Fire Safety Consultancy

Who is the Responsible Person

The Chief Fire Officers Association (2018) interprets the Fire Safety Order (2005) the for workplaces i.e. there will be an employer and employees; the employer is responsible for compliance in the premises. For premises that are not workplaces i.e. no employer / employee relationship; the FSO (2005) must be complied with by the person having control, but importantly this responsible person is not expected to necessarily provide compliance throughout the premises – only so far as the requirements relate to matters within his control. Therefore, where this responsible person has full control of the premises, he can expect to exercise that control by complying with the requirements; but where his control is limited, so is the level of compliance he is expected to achieve. Duty holders that have no employer / employee relationship may include for example: self-employed, those involved in charity work, community groups, risk assessors etc.

Competent Persons

The Fire Safety Order (2005) states the responsible person must appoint one or more competent persons to assist them in undertaking the preventive and protective measures.  To be regarded as competent they must have sufficient training and experience or knowledge and other qualities to enable them to properly assist in undertaking the preventive and protective measures.

London Fire Consultants

London Fire Consultants can assist the Responsible Person in undertaking the preventive and protective fire measure as require the Fire Safety Order (2005).  Our Fire Consultants hold qualifications and experience to properly assist the Responsible Person.