Fire Risk Assessments


All our Fire Risk Assessments, are undertaken by our Principal Fire Consultant and our Managing Director Simon. Simon has an extensive CV with respect Fire Safety:

Simon Tudor



  • Advanced Professional Award in Expert Witness Evidence (APAEWE) which is the only Masters level qualification for expert witnesses in the UK and Internationally.

  • Level 3 Award in the Servicing and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers

  • Member of the Fire Industry Association

  • Evacuation Chair IOSH Trainer

  • Member of IOSH (Technical)

  • Tier 3 Assessor (complex buildings) on the National Register of Fire Risk Assessors

  • Validator for BAFE SP205

  • Level 4 Teaching qualification

  • Level 6 Applied Health & Safety

  • Fire Door Surveyor

  • Deemed competent to undertake Dangerous Substances Explosive Atmosphere Regulations assessments

  • Level 6 Certificate in Fire Safety in Construction

  • Level 6 Diploma in Building Safety Management

  • Diploma in Fire Stopping Inspection

  • Level 4 Internal Quality Assurance

  • Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement

  • Undertaken specialist training in all types of building including residential properties training includes the Institutes of Fire Engineers Level 5 Diploma in Fire Engineering Design, Fire Service College Fire Risk Assessment and the Fire Protection Association Fire Safety Management in Residential Buildings.

London Fire Consultants are registered with SSAIB and hold BAFE SP205 Third Party Accreditation. All our Fire Risk Assessors are on the Nationally Accredited Fire Risk Assessors Register. More information on our accreditation can be found here.

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So why do you need a Fire Risk Assessment undertaken by a competent person…

All our assessors are all on the Nationally Accredited Fire Risk Assessor Register and London Fire Consultants holds UKAS Third Party accreditation through the BAFE SP205 scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions - Fire Risk Assessments

If you own, manage or operate a business, you need to comply with fire safety law. The main law is the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 or "the Fire Safety Order". It applies across England and Wales and came into force on 1 October 2006. 

What is a Fire Risk Assessment?

A careful look at your premises and the people who use them, from a fire prevention perspective. It’s about understanding the potential risks, then improving your fire safety precautions to keep people safe.

Why do it?

A Fire Risk Assessment is a legal requirement. If you are responsible for a building, for example an employer, owner or occupier of a premises that isn’t a 'single private dwelling' (a private home), you need to make sure a suitably competent person completes a Fire Risk Assessment. It is your duty to identify fire risks and hazards in your premises and take appropriate action.

In addition, if five or more people work at your premises or your business has a licence under enactment in force, you’ll need your fire risk assessment to be a written record. Make sure you review your risk assessment regularly and whenever significant changes have been made that would have an impact on it. It’s good business sense, as well as a legal requirement, as businesses don’t always recover after a fire, and effective fire prevention starts with properly understanding the risks. 


If you haven't met your legal duties to keep people safe, you could be fined and may even spend time in prison. There does not need to have been a fire to be prosecuted.

How to do a Fire Risk Assessment

Broadly speaking, assessments are conducted in five key steps:

  1. Identify the fire hazards.

  2. Identify people at risk.

  3. Evaluate, remove or reduce the risks.

  4. Record your findings, prepare an emergency plan and provide training.

  5. Review and update the fire risk assessment regularly.

Who checks it? 

London Fire Brigade – inspecting premises is part of their duty to keep people safe from fire. If your premises aren't safe, or you haven't done an assessment, you may be fined. If they believe people are at risk, they may even have to close your business until you can make it safe for employees and members of the public.  

Who should do my Fire Risk Assessment?

It is important that the person who carries out the fire risk assessment is competent. There are two principal methods by which people can demonstrate their competence;

  • Professional Body Registration schemes (IFSM Fire Risk Assessor Register)

  • Certification by a Certification Body that is UKAS accredited for the activity. (BAFE SP205)

Competence of a company to deliver fire risk assessments can be demonstrated by third party certification of the company by a UKAS accredited Certification Body.

As a duty holder, you do not need to be an expert in registration and certification schemes. The following information will give you a better understanding of these schemes and how they operate. A ‘scheme’ – identifies what needs to be assessed and what methods of assessment are used. As noted above, there are a number of schemes relating to fire risk assessment:

  • A ‘company’ scheme is operated by a certification body and looks at the competence of personnel and the management systems within the company.

  •  A ‘professional body’ scheme is operated by a professional body and is concerned with the competency of the individual and not the competency of a company. All schemes maintain a register, which lists the individuals or companies that have been assessed to meet the requirements of the scheme. Certification Bodies – Assess the fire risk assessor (individual or company) against the requirements of a ‘scheme’. The role of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is to accredit third party Certification Bodies for the certification work they carry out. UKAS is the national accreditation body recognised by Government for this purpose. UKAS accredited Certification Bodies, against internationally agreed standards, to confirm they are assessing correctly against ‘scheme’ requirements.

Large complex business

If your business is larger or more complex, you should contact an expert to come and help. London Fire Brigade responsibilities only lie in making sure you’ve done an appropriate assessment – they don’t provide an assessment service.

SME or smaller organisation

If your business or organisation is relatively small and you think your potential risks aren’t complex, it is possible to do it yourself. You can find guides to help you understand what’s required on the Gov.UK website and we have created a downloadable Word document to support you.

What are MY responsibilities?

Very simply you need to make sure:

  1. Your premises reach the required standards.

  2. Employees are provided with adequate fire safety training.

What about Fire Risk Assessments?

By law, if you are responsible for commercial premises, you need to make sure that a Fire Risk Assessment has been completed by a competent person (which is where London Fire Consultants can assist). It's mandatory to carry out a detailed assessment identifying the risks and hazards in the premises. It must be recorded if you have a total of five or more employees. The responsible person for the premises is also required to:

  • Consider who may be especially at risk.

  • Eliminate or reduce the risk of fire as far as is reasonably practical.

  • Provide general fire precautions to deal with any risk.

  • Take additional measures to ensure fire safety where flammable or explosive materials are used or stored.

  • Create a plan to deal with any emergency and where necessary record any findings.

  • Maintain general fire precautions, and facilities provided for use by firefighters.

  • Keep any findings of the risk assessment under review.


Call our Fire Safety Experts today for a free no obligation quote.

020 3026 5749 


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